Do's and Don'ts World of Potter Edition
Ever wondered what things are good to do on WoP, and what things are not? Well we have the answer for you!

- From : Althea Cahalan

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Archisha Riddle

Archisha Riddle Hi does anyone wish to befriend a first year Slytherin as myself?

Skyler moore

Skyler moore racheal, send me an owl. im a loner too

Rachael Rachi

Rachael Rachi also, i think my character is already a loner... no one wants to be my friend

Rachael Rachi

Rachael Rachi This was really helpful, thank you!

Lia Sorrel

Lia Sorrel Just started here, I'm glad that I was sorted into Hufflepuff . I never planned to be a loner, but I'm thankful for the advices. :)

Marleen Watson

Marleen Watson that sounds really great, thank you for the advice!!

Lily Benjamins

Lily Benjamins Thank you for giving us these tips; being new, I'm certainly gonna try them! :)

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich I like and approve it :D

Kaylie Halliwell

Kaylie Halliwell I totally agree! Character development is really important ^^

Camilla Beaumont

Camilla Beaumont I can confirm, this is needed so much.

Elizabeth Adams

Elizabeth Adams I realllly need topic more... great article!!!

Lake Wyvern

Lake Wyvern I'll make sure to follow these :D

Skydin Mercer

Skydin Mercer Great for everyone who just started on the site. :D

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