
Hey beautiful users of WoP EU!
And welcome back to another edition of Do's and Don'ts World of Potter Edition! This week we are focusing on things to do to make your character better, and things not to do, because.. There are things you should avoid, if you want to continue to play your character for a long time!


It is time for things to do evolving your character!
• Create a profile text, with lots of information, basic knowledge and a description of who your character is
• Write up a backstory about your character
• Topic after topic, this will help guide you and your character towards where you want to be
• Practice your RPG'ing through topics, the IG chat or other means


And now it is time to look at the things you should avoid doing!
• Isolate your character, and make them sad and incapable of being with others
• Make your character too much of something, it will be hard to keep playing without the ability to change it
• Not topic'ing - topics are important for the evolvement of characters!
• Only do wallposts/IG chat

That was all for this week's version of Do's and Dont's - check in again on Wednesday, week 2 to find more!