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- From : Tjay Gillywood

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Alicia Robnott

Alicia Robnott omg this is literally halarious

Florence Chang

Florence Chang Hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha. Wonderful

Jean Kettleburn

Jean Kettleburn *looks around for Prof. Summers* I loved the last three :3

Wren Juniper

Wren Juniper Love this!!!

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich Hahahaha, yes, Marleen, you picked it up nicely :D

Marleen Watson

Marleen Watson You guys are amazing, real keepers :D seewhatididthere?

Lillian Featherkins

Lillian Featherkins Great ;)

Saya HeiLong

Saya HeiLong Takes notes (one can never know when it will be needed :3)

Damon Walcott

Damon Walcott The third one is so wholesome cuz it means the person has a heart of gold :3 (or something shiny at least)

Kara Cassidy

Kara Cassidy Smooth

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