How to write an application.
Always wanted to apply for a job but didn't know how? This blog will help you out!

- From : Tjay Gillywood

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Davina Wilson

Davina Wilson thanks it was really insightful :D

Emily Steadward

Emily Steadward How do I apply??

Marvelo Flame

Marvelo Flame Thx Valérie

Davina Duvessa

Davina Duvessa This was very helpful

Pandora Dumbledor

Pandora Dumbledor Thanks

Amelia Pine

Amelia Pine thank you Val! just applied for SoMe and Plot Team!!!

Selene Cavieri

Selene Cavieri Thanks for the article!!!

Katya Somerhalder

Katya Somerhalder Excellent article

Kyran Aradahra

Kyran Aradahra Oh. Five of the people commenting on this actually have jobs... That's encouraging...

Kyran Aradahra

Kyran Aradahra I was gonna apply for Snek Prefect, but... They hired someone before I could email it. )=

Talliana Lyrandar

Talliana Lyrandar Very well written. Thanks, Valerie. I want to apply to a lot of jobs, but, as you can all see from my name color, have never succeeded. (= Wish me luck!

Florence Chang

Florence Chang Yes. Me is applying wish me good luck

Gray Luff

Gray Luff Still love that damn GIF...

Florence Chang

Florence Chang I just wish that I was old enough to apply *sigh

Alex Villadsen

Alex Villadsen but how should you send the application to?
if you want to be in the library or prefect

Calnus Dorame

Calnus Dorame //coughs awkwardly// I might have made the mistake of accidentally clicking apply on Clubs instead of closing it but anyways, thanks so much for this article! I'm sure it'll come to great use in the future when I'm applying for a job I'll like.

Nymeria Ravenhearst

Nymeria Ravenhearst This is amazing Val<3 So helpful!

Elmindreda Arkwright

Elmindreda Arkwright This is so helpful! Really great piece, Val! <3

Edgar Thorne

Edgar Thorne Excellent article, Valérie!

Tjay Gillywood

Tjay Gillywood Thnx a lot Val!

Clayton Reeves

Clayton Reeves Wow! Really helpful! Thank Val :)

Sebastian Hawthorne

Sebastian Hawthorne Val omg... I know this doesn't happen often (IG at least) but in this moment I love you <3

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich seems that wizarding world and muggle thing called internet don't go well... I hope that this one will help someone, and I'll keep it handy!

Lil Light

Lil Light I LOVE THE HELP!!!!!!!!

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich Hello? xD

Astaria Lumos

Astaria Lumos :D This should be very very helpful!

Emilia Fawcett

Emilia Fawcett THIS IS GREAT! <3

Damon Walcott

Damon Walcott *secretly screams of joy* <3

rose blacksy

rose blacksy okay

Aske Scamander

Aske Scamander Oh

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