WoP EU Originals - William
Interviews with a few of the people who helped open world of potter EU.

- From : Althea Cahalan

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Saffie Leabrook

Saffie Leabrook lovelovelove <3

Marleen Watson

Marleen Watson Willll :D great job!!!!

Thomas Wilder

Thomas Wilder Yay Wilma! ♥

Eirin Myren

Eirin Myren Whoo hooo

Emilia Fawcett

Emilia Fawcett Eeeeee Will <3

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich It's always nice to read about people that are here from start!

Vita Auden

Vita Auden Willie :D Yay :D

Regina Corona

Regina Corona Yayy! Will :D My partner in crime in all my action-filled topics xD

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