World of Potter; Lifehacks
Ever wondered how to make your experience on WoP even better? Fear no more, the answer is here!

- From : Althea Cahalan

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Éva Nagy

Éva Nagy I especially support Number 4 ;)

Florence Chang

Florence Chang wow...too bad im not VIP

Marleen Watson

Marleen Watson great life hacks!!!

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich Oh, that happens when you put too low x rating.... interesting. :D

Lucy Lee

Lucy Lee -begs for more-

Gray Luff

Gray Luff Awesome hacks!

Joseph Brandt

Joseph Brandt Brilliant Lifehack Tips! WHOO!

Jean Kettleburn

Jean Kettleburn Yeeeys! Moremore help!

Saya HeiLong

Saya HeiLong Wow life hack number 3 ♥ thanks a lot ♥

Sebastian Hawthorne

Sebastian Hawthorne I would like this, but I am one of those people who is active on a socially based website but very hypocritically does not have Facebook. These are useful tips though!

Vita Auden

Vita Auden *wiggles in excitement about the wonders of lifehacks*

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