
Hey beautiful Woppers!
And welcome to another edition of World of Potter Lifehacks! This post will be posted every other Wednesday (Even weeks), for a little while longer. And it means that I will give you tips and tricks on how to make YOUR experience on WoP even better!
Let's get to it!

LIFEHACK NUMBER 3: How to disable censorship on topics.
We've all tried it, been going into a topic with more than one X and then this little box shows up, telling us that the topic has more X's than we allowed and we have to agree to show the topic anyways. It's really annoying, am I right? Well fear not my youngens! Follow these steps and you will no longer have to deal with it!
Edit profile Settings Content ratingChoose highest option (XXXXX)Save settings and there you go! You will no longer recieve a warning when entering topics!

LIFEHACK NUMBER 4: Grade your friend's assignments.
Grading a friends assignment might seem like something you'd like to do, but you may have realized by now, that you cant! That can of course be changed in one simple way, my friends!
Just unfriend your friend (Remove them from your friendlist) and that way your friend's assignments will now be shown and you can grade them. It might suck not to be on each others friendlist, but hey, when you graduate you can re-add each other!

LIFEHACK NUMBER 5: Move people around on your friendlist (VIP feature only).
Did you know, that you can move people around on your friendlist when you are VIP? If you want specific people on top of your list (the 9 people shown) you can do so, when you are VIP!

I hope all of these lifehacks helped you out, and I hope you're just as excited as me to see the blog up and running again. Until next time!