Staff Sunday #6
Guess who's back? Staff Sunday is back with another staff member. This time with the wonderful Adalynn Greenwood, also known as the Quibbler Chief Editor! Have a look at her wonderful answers below!

- From : Thomas Wilder

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Tjay Gillywood

Tjay Gillywood Hahaha...I remember those Nargles!

Emilia Fawcett

Emilia Fawcett YAAAAAAAAAAAY ADAAAAA<3<3 also books books they're worth all the money

Nymeria Ravenhearst

Nymeria Ravenhearst Wait what Nargles?! *looks around* anyway nice interview <3

Roxine Sound

Roxine Sound *claps*

Damon Walcott

Damon Walcott what Nargles?! You claim to not even see them D:

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich Niceeee, well done!

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