Plot in Our Hearts

A Look At The Teams - No. 1

A pub like the Leaky Cauldron, which brings out the aesthetic of the beautiful Wizarding World location
Written by Alexis Quinn

There are so many quotes that indicate the importance of plot within various stories, which give stories a certain amount of richness and intrigue. It is the backbone of writing and for a text-based RPG like World of Potter, it is clear that it also has an importance here.

"Storytelling is about two things; it's about character and plot."
- George Lucas

The Plot Team on World of Potter is the team, which focuses on events on the site. They are the people around the site, who share a love for plotting and planning various events, competitions or storylines, which can challenge users on both creativity and writing, while also trying to inspire them to write more. You will know these wonderful people by the lilac name colour, but they might go by another name like their mascot the Flamingos.

In the previous years, there have been a lot of events, which has either caused joy or disaster for the various users on site in their roleplaying adventures. It was everything from a Lovey Dovey Carnival in Hogsmeade around Valentine’s Day or a giant battle where it was up to the students of Hogwarts to defeat their brainwashed professors.

The Plot Team is a team, which thrives in bigger teams, which gives them bigger opportunities to create bigger and better plots that can bring the users together. However, we also find some of the smaller events and competitions they make incredibly fun and creative.

At the time of writing, a new competition is currently underway, which allows users to choose between two wonderfully imagined prompts. You can find this plot here:

Giving users that participate gifts for joining in and of course the top three entries will be given prizes as well. There is so much that can be done through competitions, like a Quiz Night in the site chat, where people can just relax or have a bit of fun with some of the other users. Challenges that can be set for the next in-game school year, which will end up having some rewards at the end of the school year.

The team is currently in need of people to join its ranks, and we would love to see more wonderful people join up and share in the magic of creativity.

In order to apply to join the Plot Team, you just need to live up to these requirements: If you can nod yes to these requirements, we would love for you to send an application with these points mentioned: Your application must be sent to with "[Your WoP Name] - Plot Team Application" as the subject.

Just a tip to make sure your application is considered. It is best to be descriptive in your application and not just go through each point one by one, as our wonderful Plot Team Leader will need to get to know who you are. A more detailed application will always score you some points, one that is really personal, we want as many people in the teams on site and want to help the best we can.

If you need some guiders on how to send a successful application, perhaps read one of the former blogs, which focused on exactly that: