Staff Sunday is back with another Out Of Character interview with one of the WoP EU staff. This time I was joined by the one and only Ayden Wallace. To see his answers and learn more about him, keep on reading!
Vita Auden This is such a great interview with Daddy Lion! Great job to both Ayden and Wilder! :D
Meeting place for Potterheads
Become part of the most amazing online magical universe and meet lots of friendly people that share the same interests as you! We can't wait to meet you!
Zelene Blachglais YOU ARE HUFFLEPUFF. #confirmed.
Marleen Watson awesome interview! (nothing wrong with sounding Hufflepuff btw ;) )
Sebastian Hawthorne awwwww Ayden <3<3 OOG I love you, IG... not so much
Ana Ilijasich Hufflepuff approves the interview! xD Nice one!
Ruby Summers Yasssssssss two of my FAVOURITE lions *hearts*. Well done to bothhhh! Love, Love, Love, Loveeeeeeeeeeeee it (and to you both) :D!
Damon Walcott Yey Ayden! Lovely post :3
Vita Auden This is such a great interview with Daddy Lion! Great job to both Ayden and Wilder! :D