Staff Sunday #8
Staff Sunday is back with another Out Of Character interview with one of the WoP EU staff. This time I was joined by the one and only Ayden Wallace. To see his answers and learn more about him, keep on reading!

- From : Thomas Wilder

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Zelene Blachglais

Zelene Blachglais YOU ARE HUFFLEPUFF. #confirmed.

Marleen Watson

Marleen Watson awesome interview! (nothing wrong with sounding Hufflepuff btw ;) )

Sebastian Hawthorne

Sebastian Hawthorne awwwww Ayden <3<3 OOG I love you, IG... not so much

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich Hufflepuff approves the interview! xD Nice one!

Ruby Summers

Ruby Summers Yasssssssss two of my FAVOURITE lions *hearts*. Well done to bothhhh! Love, Love, Love, Loveeeeeeeeeeeee it (and to you both) :D!

Damon Walcott

Damon Walcott Yey Ayden! Lovely post :3

Vita Auden

Vita Auden This is such a great interview with Daddy Lion! Great job to both Ayden and Wilder! :D

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