World of Potter - Inter-house Ships
Have you ever wondered what happens to the gossip regarding people who are dating, but not from the same house? Well, here on the blog we will be giving you some of that!

- From : Althea Cahalan

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Laeryna Johnson

Laeryna Johnson oooooo

Venus Maher

Venus Maher Cute!!!

Florence Chang

Florence Chang HEHE im here xD with my BESTIE freya

Thomas Wilder

Thomas Wilder Ohh always love a bit of gossip!

Jean Kettleburn

Jean Kettleburn Ohhohohoh new gossip guy! More gossip, exactly what we need! XD (Loveit)

Mavis Winter

Mavis Winter *sips the tea, and it's sweet*

Kelvin Paige

Kelvin Paige *Rolls around excitedly because he was mentioned in an article*

Violet Montgomery

Violet Montgomery I know of a few

Forsythia Fox

Forsythia Fox Great article, Isaac!

Vanessa Wraith

Vanessa Wraith OOoooh :3

Madyson Earnhardt

Madyson Earnhardt Love this!!!!

Isaac Holland

Isaac Holland Always watching ;)

Darling Walsh

Darling Walsh I wonder which house the Rulebook is in... :P

Wren Juniper

Wren Juniper Love it! Inter-House Ships!!!

Stella Beaumont

Stella Beaumont Yeesss keep the gossip and ships coming!

Florence Chang

Florence Chang @freya wenlock we are in the article xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Henrietta Matthews

Henrietta Matthews Alllllll the gossip :3

Joseph Brandt

Joseph Brandt Awww wonderful post <3

Marleen Watson

Marleen Watson that's an awesome article! *hearts*

Emilia Fawcett

Emilia Fawcett Ooooh all the gossip, I love it! So many lovebirds at Hogwarts hmm

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich Nice, seems promising!

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