Leander's You-Better-Read-These Books | Vol. 001 [Harry Potter]
Have you ever wondered "What would this Harry Potter character read if they lived nowadays? It is an interesting question which I will try and answer in this blog!

- From : Daphne Leung

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Davina Beaulieu

Davina Beaulieu Oh!!! These sound super fun! I already had The Valkyries Daughter on my TBR list, but the other two are surely gonna join

Sebastian Worthington

Sebastian Worthington This is an incredible concept Leander, I'll definitely be adding all of these to my TBR! Super excited to see what Hermione will be reading :o

Leah Kimble

Leah Kimble This is such an awesome blog idea, Leander! So creative and interesting - I love it :D

Leoni Silvertounge

Leoni Silvertounge Ooh I love this article idea so much! The Alchemyst used to be one of my favourite books, definitely recommend the series!

Ilan Kim

Ilan Kim OOH this sounds great! I should definitely go read these too! Great blog hehe!

Dillin Zimmer

Dillin Zimmer Ohhh these all sound so interesting, I can totally imagine Harry reading them! And whoa Leander, I'll be stalking this article more than once to add books to my reading list! Wonderful article!! :D

Astrophel Highwoods

Astrophel Highwoods Oh I loved the Magyk books! o: Lots more to add to my reading list now, thanks Leander!

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