Anniversary Indicative Update Part 2

- From : Sebastian Hawthorne

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Emilia Fawcett

Emilia Fawcett ALL THE TEAAA

Nathalee Roux

Nathalee Roux I love that I was here for most of this, amazing and love this. <3

Marleen Watson

Marleen Watson Wow, great job :o

Hayley Soulton

Hayley Soulton Incredible<3

Wren Juniper

Wren Juniper This is amazing!

Regina Corona

Regina Corona oooh can I favorite this to keep it for later xD ? Great guide to people's past

Thomas Wilder

Thomas Wilder This is like taking a walk down memory lane. Amazing job <3

Nolan Anderson

Nolan Anderson Power couple!! :p

Max Blachglais

Max Blachglais Oh goodness... Wow!

Logan Hanworn

Logan Hanworn Yayyyy Seenipoo was in theree

Henrietta Matthews

Henrietta Matthews Wheeeeeeeeeee all the gossip! *-*

Olympia Burns

Olympia Burns This is perfect, hahaha xD

Brandon Williams

Brandon Williams This is the greatest thing ever xD Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together *heart*

Jean Kettleburn

Jean Kettleburn Omg xD

Alicia Robnott

Alicia Robnott so. much. gossip.

Zelene Blachglais

Zelene Blachglais o.O I had forgotten most of this! Wowie - Rereads

Eirin Myren

Eirin Myren Ooo all the gossip *heart*

Vita Auden

Vita Auden So much love, wow xD

Ava Hemsworth

Ava Hemsworth I needed this. Now I may finally have a clue on all the complicated relations around here xD

Kendra Ainsley

Kendra Ainsley Tjay and Aure had a baby?? :o:o:o

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