It's so Izzy!
I'm Izzy Rookwood and these are a blog series about discussions, reviews and everything else but with my own style of course.

- From : Althea Cahalan

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Izzy Rookwood

Izzy Rookwood *Snifs* Yes it is :'(

Phyllis Triton

Phyllis Triton You poor thing, it really is a trauma with phoenixes isn't it?

Ashara Vivian

Ashara Vivian #GiveIzzyAPhoenix

Kaylie Halliwell

Kaylie Halliwell DRAGOOOOONS!!! Any kind of dragon is just AWESOME, tho Hebridean Black and Swedish Short-Snout are the best ones! <3

Florence Chang

Florence Chang YAY IZZLOLO! <3 Pheonixes ooooo

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