Wizard Cards Trading Post #40
This week we will be featuring Sebastian Worthington, our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!

- From : Daphne Leung

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Max Paige

Max Paige Thanks everyone! Can't believe I'm on #40 already!!! Keep those requests coming. Love how much ya'll love this blog and thank you for such a great bio, Professor Worthington!

Aurelius Wayfinder

Aurelius Wayfinder A lovely card - what a mysterious past you've had Mr Worthington!

Sebastian Worthington

Sebastian Worthington I didn't know it was possible for a wizard card to be so beautiful... and then you put my face on it! I love it, thank you Max!

Leah Kimble

Leah Kimble Love this card Max! Although you missed out that Seb enjoys being rude to me D:

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