When there's a ghost from the past, who you gonna call?  The Backstory Team!
Everyone knows that one user with the greatest backstory. Their character feels alive and after reading their profile text and backstory you feel like you have known that person for a long time already – everything about the character just feels real.

- From : Lexie Clearwater

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Anindya Potter

Anindya Potter ok miss mira jones

Sammy Potter

Sammy Potter Great article Mira❤

Harper Collins

Harper Collins Great post, Mira <3 <3 We already miss your beautiful writing on the team!!

Emilia Fawcett

Emilia Fawcett This is AMAZING Mira <3

Skye Moonfall

Skye Moonfall Mira! Great work! :) And your backstory already is great! :D

Lysander Crane

Lysander Crane Interesting article :)

Ayden Wallace

Ayden Wallace Great article!! *Hearts*

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