Makin' and Bakin'!
Drew has lots of creative treats ahead for you so I wonder what today's shall be?

- From : Felicity Hathaway

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Uliana Krum

Uliana Krum Alright - that´s just... oh my god. It´s perfect!

Pear Leveret

Pear Leveret Nice work Drew!

Ysolda Hearthfire-Quinn

Ysolda Hearthfire-Quinn *drools*

Christopher Tangney

Christopher Tangney :o

Krisztina Balogh

Krisztina Balogh yummy pudding *-*

Astrid Beckett

Astrid Beckett Damn... i am hungry now xD Awesome blog :o

Blair Ashford

Blair Ashford :o Amazing! Everyone to the kitchens!! ♥

Felicity Hathaway

Felicity Hathaway Kinda hungry now...

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