The Plot-Team
We all recognize them in their beautiful flamingo color and their hard work making World of Potter a more fun and exciting place to be! If you continue reading you`ll learn how the plot team work and what they`re really trying to achieve with the plots, so keep on reading to be amazed!

- From : Sunny Gem

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Lysander Crane

Lysander Crane Love the post and the dancing Dumbledore meme :D

Olympia Burns

Olympia Burns Lovely blog post! :D

Sylvia Rao

Sylvia Rao :D Go plot team! you guys make amazing plots! That sounds kinda evil...

Giovanni Giglione

Giovanni Giglione Yayyyyy plot team :D

Dianne Smith

Dianne Smith Very good job!! :D

Vita Auden

Vita Auden Beautiful work!

Amanda Granger

Amanda Granger Excellent work, Mira! Keep it up <3

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