Theory Thursday: Lovely Illusion
Love! Ah Love! Love is a splendid, marvelous thing. Especially for the young ones. Have you ever wondered why some people just don’t seem right for each other and still end up together? Or love that happens so suddenly you don’t know what happened to actually….make it happen?

- From : Lexie Clearwater

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Lysander Crane

Lysander Crane Interesting theory :)

Lydia Avery

Lydia Avery Interesting take and a good read!

Jiya Sharma

Jiya Sharma Wow! Great theory. I never looked at their relationship this way. Awesome!

Ayden Wallace

Ayden Wallace Amazing theory! Great job!

Tanner Black

Tanner Black Wow, I never thought of that. Conspiracies ftw

Kim Snape

Kim Snape Great theorie! Loved it.

Sophia Secunda

Sophia Secunda Great work!

Annabeth Withman

Annabeth Withman Great work Lexie! Absolutely loved it <3

Dianne Smith

Dianne Smith Woww so well written Lex! Love it! <3

Lyra Nashwood

Lyra Nashwood Amazing work Lex <3

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