World of Potter Gossip
The Gossip Guy is all over WoP and he is your source to information and gossip around WoP!

- From : Althea Cahalan

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Bella Allerton

Bella Allerton and voldemort is ugly

Bella Allerton

Bella Allerton also im not a mean version of bellatrix

Bella Allerton


Josephine Ollerton

Josephine Ollerton Love it!

Lucy Lee

Lucy Lee Great one Zak!

Madyson Earnhardt

Madyson Earnhardt Love this Issac!

Laeryna Johnson

Laeryna Johnson ooooo nice

Sean Hanworn

Sean Hanworn Oh trust me, I've taken care of Ashloft *does that thing idk what its called but its like clapping your hands and wiping them at the same time*

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich Hahahahaha, nice thing, Issac ;D WD!

Sebastian Hawthorne

Sebastian Hawthorne ooohhh I really like this Zak!! coolcoolcoolnodoubtnodoubt

Isaac Holland

Isaac Holland Thanks all *sending the hearts and hugs*

Saffie Leabrook

Saffie Leabrook goossssipppppp *-* love it Zak!

Brandon Williams

Brandon Williams Wonderful post! xD

Elian Venture

Elian Venture Ben sure has some admirers haha ^^) Great job, Zak! Love your post <3

Joseph Brandt

Joseph Brandt Superb gossip article, Issac. Bravo! ;) Haha Lolle

Diaval Vaughn

Diaval Vaughn This is amazing XD

Isaac Holland

Isaac Holland Love ya too Lolle

Lolle Fletcher

Lolle Fletcher AHAHAHAHAH *kills Zak* jk <3 OMG I love gossip so I wouldn't kill you dear! *heart* Amazing post!

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