Meeting the Blacks
Have you ever wanted to meet the users of WoP, who dont carry a colour? Well it is time. On this blog post, we represent the black users of the site!

- From : Althea Cahalan

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Kaylie Halliwell

Kaylie Halliwell Nice job you two! ^^

Marcus Warren

Marcus Warren Callista XD She's just brilliant :D

Sophia Secunda

Sophia Secunda

Callista Neoni

Callista Neoni Thank you :) and thank you Lucy! When I said Lions, I actually meant Eagles x.X It was too late or too *insert something convincing* x.X

Imogen Knightley

Imogen Knightley Absolutely love these <3

Leana Stone

Leana Stone Awesome article :)

Vita Auden

Vita Auden Great work, Lucy!!!! :D And wonderful answers, Callista! :D

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