Hogwarts Yearbook #1
Every school has a yearbook and I am proud to share the first one with all of you! <3

- From : Tjay Gillywood

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Banned User

Banned User cool

Florence Chang

Florence Chang well written ;)

Samantha Malfoin

Samantha Malfoin Very approving

Alicia Robnott

Alicia Robnott haha!! this is great!

Laeryna Johnson

Laeryna Johnson awesome^^

Aaron Barnett

Aaron Barnett I was so confused, since there is a book named yearbook in the library :'D but still lovely!

Jada Nightflame

Jada Nightflame Isn't this technically the second yearbook? :') But lovely!

Marleen Watson

Marleen Watson Awesome!!!

Safiya Beauchamp

Safiya Beauchamp Min shouldn't be allowed to do more puns, HAHAHAH. Also this is great!

Leo Axton

Leo Axton I love this <3

Thomas Wilder

Thomas Wilder This is an amazing idea! Love it, Tjayyyy! <3

Holly Gillywood

Holly Gillywood I love this <3 :D

Emilia Fawcett

Emilia Fawcett AHAH love this!!! <3

Jiya Sharma

Jiya Sharma This is amazing! Love it! <3

Eirin Myren

Eirin Myren Love this Tjay *heart* And lolz at the quotes, perfection!

Rodrik Blackwell

Rodrik Blackwell Fantastic! I love it Tjay! :D

Madyson Earnhardt

Madyson Earnhardt Love it!

Wren Juniper

Wren Juniper This is great!!! Love it.

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