World of Potter Gossip
The Gossip Guy is all over WoP and he is your source to information and gossip around WoP!

- From : Althea Cahalan

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Alicia Robnott

Alicia Robnott so. much. gossip.

Sean Hanworn

Sean Hanworn Putting more gossip guy to shame that Mady has found someone else ;)

Evelynn Roseleigh

Evelynn Roseleigh Benedict has a grand romance indeed ;-) *winks* Love your article, as always Zak!

Ana Ilijasich

Ana Ilijasich You ain't seen nothing yet... ;) gossips travel fast around the castle.

Wren Juniper

Wren Juniper Putting gossip guy to shame that the loved up Mady and Eli have since split...

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