Characters through the story - Severus Snape
Hello and welcome back to "Characters through the story" today we will be taking a look at professor Severus Snape. Hope you enjoy!

- From : Bob Higginbotham

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Edgar Thorne

Edgar Thorne The eternal struggle between good and evil goes on, and Snape is a perfect example of it. You can’t cleave someone in two, you can’t judge Snape as perfectly good or evil. He was human, so with parts of both, all promoted by his past, social environement and personal inclinations. Yet, something about Snape as remained pure and absolute, and it has been the power source of his whole life: his love for Lily. Granted, he ruined everything with her in their youth. What I mean is that the memory of his bonding with Lily, of what it could have become, has remained intact throughout the years, despite the negative events, and even more so after her passing. In conclusion, I think that what truly matters isn’t whether Snape was good or evil, but that he was goaded by absolute, irremediable love. Wow, I sound like Dumbledore! And this is totally OOG, as my character Edgar would scuff and dismiss it all as nonsense!

Estelle Adams

Estelle Adams Yep. I'm going to go against everything else here. I agree with everything below that Snape is very misunderstood, in two ways. Some people think he's a mean, bad person, without knowing his background. Some people think he's good, protective guy with a sad backstory. And although Snape's memories made me sad and feel bad for him I don't think he's a nice guy, that he was 'only doing everything to protect Harry'. And I know everything he went through, the child abuse, the bullying, the loss of people he cared for. Still, he didn't have to bully people who had not much to do with Harry, Voldemort or Lily But I can't argue he wasn't a very well developed character so I like him in that sense. Ultimately, he did good things, but it didn't make him a good person. His everyday intentions didn't seem TOO pure but the noble motivation is why everyone's thinking he's a good character.

Jacob Tibbs

Jacob Tibbs Love it!!!

Andrea Ainsley

Andrea Ainsley The problem with people misjudging Severus Snape's character is that they don't care to read more about his past and life, the things which lead to him becoming who he was when Harry (and the readers) first got to know him. Tracing the path of his life back to his childhood full of abuse and bullying, it makes complete sense that Snape made some bad decisions in life. Child abuse is a serious topic and I feel like JKR only touched upon it with Snape, unlike Harry. Still, we get to see somewhat normal Harry in the epilogue (I frown upon Cursed Child, so I won't even credit it) after years of suffering intense abuse, in some ways just like Snape. That doesn't mean everyone who is abused or bullied ends up the same, thus Severus Snape's behaviour is even reasonable considering the amount of pressure he had been under since he was a child. Anyway, this is becoming rather long, so I just thought I'd say - good job on bringing this character closer to all of us. For those who are still in doubt about Snape, I definitely recommend looking into consequences of long-term abuse and bullying, then and only then it will make sense why Snape seemed like evil incarnate at times. I would like to read more about the Malfoy family next, especially Lucius. Now, that is someone I could talk about all day long... feel free to contact me if you need me to share a word or two on him.

Emilia Fawcett

Emilia Fawcett This is wonderful! <3

Elwen Whitetower

Elwen Whitetower To next time, I thinks that will intersting to talk about his opposite: Albus Dumbledore. Severus Snape is the most misunderstood character of this saga and I thinks is unfair.

Elwen Whitetower

Elwen Whitetower Severus Snape is my favorite characters in Harry Potter :) So your article please me :) I love your conclusion, you have perfectly understand personality of Severus Snape.

Opal Grimblehawk

Opal Grimblehawk Amazing article. I think Snape is a misunderstood character if you look closely at him throughout the films you can tell what all he's doing is trying to protect Harry. Amazing article once again!!

Shambhavi Chavan

Shambhavi Chavan Interesting Article.

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