Wizard Cards
Trading Post

Issue #71


by Max Paige

This week we will be featuring Simion Lockheart, a graduate and current Quidditch player!


Do you want your own wizarding card? Send me an owl! Here's what you need to include in that owl:

- Your WOP Name and House

- An image of you (Doesn't have to be your profile picture)

A brief (3 or 4 lines) biography blurb

Remember that your image cannot be taken straight from the movie itself. Also bonus points if you give me a gif with the face moving! Just like the real wizarding cards!


This Edition's Wizarding Cards

Simion Lockheart

Simion Lockheart graduated Hogwarts in 2020 as a proud Lion. He has two children that now attend Hogwarts: Bailey Henderson and Mateo Wolfe. He is a chaser for the England National Quidditch team. He played for the BallyCastle bats before that. Simion grew up in the foster system and didn’t know he was a wizard until he began being made fun of by the other kids; kids wouldn’t go near him because he could make things levitate. He received his letter to Hogwarts and was eager to leave and begin a new life where he belonged among other witches and wizards.

coded by Issie
