
Hi everyone and welcome to the next edition of Why so Sirius!

Today I'm interviewing Kaya, who we all know and love.

Here's question #1: If your life depended on singing one song perfectly, what song would you sing?

Lets start off with a hard question, why don't you? :P I'm not that great of a singer, so if my life depended on singing one song perfectly, I would be very sad, haha! But, since I have to choose a song I think it would be Knocking on Heaven's Door, the Guns N' Roses version.


I think I'd sing the abc song just to be on the safe side!

Up next is question #2: What fictional character is amazing in their book/show/movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations?

Without a doubt Harley Quinn. I love her in the movies and the series, but if I had to spend one day with her, she would drive me absolutely bonkers.


I'm pretty sure everyone would agree with you on that one.

We're already halfway through! Question #3: If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?

To trust their intuition. Sometimes, something doesn't feel quite right even though you want that something badly. In those cases - listen to your intuition.


So true! When my intuition tells me to stop snacking, I usually don't listen...

Question 4: What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?

I can easily answer this: A dog. Obviously it's easy for me to say this because my own dog is like the size of a small pony! :P But yes, as a dog person I cannot imagine anything better than a big floofy dog! <3


I just imagined people riding dogs for fun instead of horses! But remind me to come meet your pony dog sometime!

Last question, #5: What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?

Not as much WHAT was the most embarrassing thing, more so HOW was it embarrassing. A few years ago I finally decided to start wearing dresses, so I bought a couple of cute ones. Not being used to wearing dresses, especially not during autumn, I wore leggings underneath them. I'm sure you can guess what happened... After I went to pee, I pulled up the leggings and the hem of the dress caught onto the legging and got stuck inside it. I happily walked out of the toilet with my dress inside my leggings. Luckily my friend immediately warned me, because I would have been terrified if I found this out several hours later.


Phew! Good thing your friend was there.

That was it for this edition. Thank you for letting me interview you, Kaya!

As always, I hope you enjoyed. Until we meet again!

© Coding by Kawaii-Lau