Craig's Muggley Things
Hello again all my fellow wizards and witches and welcome to this month's edition of Craig's Muggley Things. With, of course, your favourite barefoot rolling Cookie Fairy, me :D This month:
Electric Powered Lights

Whilst we all know that us wizards and witches use candles and our wands as a light source, muggles have another light source in the form of electic powered lights.
What a typical light bulb may look like
The light is produced by what is known as a light bulb, which is a few wires encased in glass and can be attached and detached to a device known as a socket that is connected to another device known as light switch, which allows you to turn the light on and off.
What a light switch may look like
Light bulbs can also come in all shapes and sizes, and can also be inserted into desk side lamps too. Light switches can also come in many forms too, including a movement sensor activated switch, which turns the light on once it dectects movement and turns off a few minutes after it stops detecting movement.
So my fellow readers, what you think of these electric powered lights? A genuis muggle invention? Or is our magic better when it comes to producing lights.
Till next time folks :D