Wizard Cards
Trading Post

Issue #18


by Max Paige

This week we will be featuring Soliel Winters, one of the most beloved wizards on WOP UK! He is the Chief Editor of the Mystical Report, a daily newspaper that he publishes with his team faithfully! He has also probably adopted half the site as godchildren!


Do you want your own wizarding card? Send me an owl! Here's what you need to include in that owl:

- Your WOP Name and House

- An image of you (Doesn't have to be your profile picture)

A brief (3 or 4 lines) biography blurb

Remember that your image cannot be taken straight from the movie itself. Also bonus points if you give me a gif with the face moving! Just like the real wizarding cards!


This Edition's Wizarding Card

Soleil Winters

Soleil Winters is best known for being the Chief Editor of the Mystical Report. He is less notorious for being a Seer, although he tends to use his abilities for his own gains. A London native, he is the last in the line of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Winters, infamous for fraticide and the ghosts that haunt the family's ancestral home, Spirit Hall. Although he'd rather spar with words, he's a talented dueller and favours complex Charms and Transfiguration spells in a fight.

coded by Issie