Hello! I know that I promised 1 a week but I will be honest with you, life got stressful mainly due to exams which I am sure that many of you are experiencing as well. If it isn't exam stress many it is related to coursework which is due soon. In short, life is stressful, I am going to offer some suggestions that may help you relax.. if not I am sorry and I believe that you can get through it!!! On to my suggestions...

1) Music, it can be anything that you enjoy listening to
Music is soothing to me, no matter what mood I am in. I can always find a piece of music that makes me feel better so sometimes it is good to just find a song to block out the noise of everything else. I particularly like turning on a song (up kind of louder than it should be) and closing my eyes so that I can focus on it completely. This helps me a lot but if this doesn't work for you...

2) A movie of your choice, I recommend a comedy
Now, this has a similar effect to music however it can last for a much longer period of time. After a long day, I like to come home and relax by putting a movie on. It lets me focus on something else, getting lost in the adventures of whatever I choose to watch. Top movie suggestion for you all: the harry potter movies *wink*

3) Exercise, yeah shocking for any of you who know me
I believe that any exercise can make you feel better, no matter how long or short. Even a short 20 minutes can help release some of that excess energy or stress that you a holding on to, as once again it can provide a distraction. Most of these tips are about distraction tbh...

4) Food and Company
Food makes me feel better whether that is a good meal or just a tub of ice cream. That feeling only improves if you can share it with someone you care about whether it is family, friends, significant other etc. Food and good company may seem simple but trust me it is super effective!

5) Go outside, get some fresh air and most importantly leave the technology behind
I hate to sound like an old lady but sometimes it is good to leave technology behind so you can actually experience the world around you. Breathe some fresh air and go visit somewhere beautiful whether that's by a lake, river or a beach. Yes, I have stated water related things but that is mainly because I find them calming, you find what's best for you.
Did you make it this far? I hope that I was able to help you in some way or another but if not, we are always here on site to help you escape into Hogwarts which is a home for anyone who needs it! On that note, see you around site everyone *heart*