
Dear reader, welcome to the first interview of Why so Sirius. Today I'm going to ask Eliza a few not-so serious questions, to try and get to know her a little better!

Thanks for agreeing to this interview Eliza!

Starting off easy with question #1: If you could live in a fairy tale, which one would you pick and why?

If I were to live in a fairy tale it would definitely be Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I've always found that story fun, as a child, and I wouldn't mind a re-read anytime these days either. It's not because of the ideal picture of the prince saving the princess, but because the Dwarfs seemed really fun to know. Each so different and varied, knowing them first-handedly would surely be an experience.


Eliza and the dwarf gang! Does have a ring to it, if you ask me.

Onto question #2: Would you rather go to the future or the past, and what would be the first thing you do?

I'd like to go in the future of course! Well obviously because I'd like to see how I end up to be like, sometimes you make different choices than you intend to and I really want to witness that. I better be a billionaire on my own private island!


I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't want to be rich! Imagine all the cool stuff you could buy.

I really like this next one! Question #3: Describe your favourite person but don't say their name.

My favorite person is someone I've met not too long ago, but she's left a great impact on me. I instantly took a liking to her and not a day goes by without me texting or talking to her with zero hesitation. She's a great writer and I look up to her in many ways than one. She's kind, helpful, easygoing and always an inspiration to constantly get better at whatever I do and I can be myself around her!


She sounds like a really great friend!

This question is really important. Question #4: Do you put your toilet paper over or under?

I put it over! Doesn't it just look better that way? Or is that just me? Probably me.


Obviously toilet paper needs to go over! I don't know how people could ever do it under.

This will be our last one, question #5: What mythological creature would you be?

I'd definitely want to be Cerberus, there's just so much about him! What's not to like about a three-headed dog that is absolutely huge and has such a purpose to carry out? Not everyday do you meet something or someone that guards the gates to Underworld. It's quite intriguing to even imagine being Cerberus but the best thing is that at the end of the day he must also quite behave like an ordinary pup right? That's something we might never know.


Now I'm imagining Cerberus as a puppy and it's adorable!

Thanks again for letting me interview you, Eliza! You had some really interesting answers, and you'll have to introduce me to that friend of yours sometime.

I hope everyone reading liked this interview as much as I did, and if so, don't forget to come back for the next one. If you would like to be interviewed, or want to see someone else answer some questions, don't hesitate to owl me!

© Coding by Kawaii-Lau