Dig into Their Pockets

Issue #3


Hello there, My name is Estrella Vangelsön and this is my blog called "Dig into their pockets..". Well, you may guess that we were gonna talk about pockets, but whose pockets? Harry Potter Universe's personnages of course! Have you ever wondered what we can find in the pockets of your favourite personnages? I do, it's why I'm here today.


So, today, we're gonna talk about the pockets of: Ginny Weasley!!
Here we go for the Top 5:


5 - Quidditch jersey


What would Ginny be without Quidditch?


4 - Tom Riddle's diary page


Bad memories, bad memories...


3 - Love potion


Have you ever noticed Ginny's interest in love potions?


2 - A gift from Harry


I'm sure we can find something of Harry's in Ginny's pockets because Harry is probably one of the people Ginny loves the most!


1 - Her Wand


And to finish, her wand! Made of yew wood, the redhead's wand helped many people and will help many more.



That's all for me today, this little blog is now over until the next edition!

Speaking of the next edition, don't hesitate to send me an owl or put a little comment if you have an idea of the next character or what you think you can find in their pockets!

Thanks for reading! <3


coded by Issie