Volume 011 | Did you know that the creature is usually only spotted after it has stung its victim?

Are you interested in the fantastic magical beasts of our world? Have you ever wondered what it would require to have creatures such as Jobberknolls or even Lethifolds as pets? Then fear no more! Through Northwoods Magical Encounters you get to learn more about your upcoming pet, alongside what it would require of you to hold it. Make sure to read every edition, and you will soon find the perfect pet for you!

Today's topic is the... Billywig!

What does the creature look like?

The Billywig is a small insect-like creature. On top of its head was two wings attacthed, which could spin around at incredible speed. At the bottom of its body is a long, thin stinger, which it could use to sting its target. It was known for its bright sapphire blue color, and was around half an inch long.

What is its abilities?

Firstly, the creature is well-known for being a wonderful potion ingredient, and was in many different potions. Beside this, the Billywig was able to sting its victims, which caused an unusual reaction. When a victim was stung they would first suffer gidiness, and then they would start levitating. Needless to say, many would try and provoke the creature so they could levitate, but getting stung too many time could cause permamnent floating and allergic reactions.

Where does it usually live?

The creature is usually only found in Australia, unless someone brings it to another place.

How well would it be to hold as a pet?

The Billywig is probably a creature not many dream of holding as a pet. Seeing as it is not a very large insect, and not very noticeable, it is not the easiest pet to hold and would probably not work well with kids. The owner of this pet would maybe be a potion maker, or someone with a large interest in insects, who know how to delicately handle the Billywig. The pet owner also needs to ensure that they could protect themselves from getting stung by the creature, unless they wished to ensure that they could float forever. The pet is also a small, speedy one, meaning that the owner needs to have a good understanding of the creature they hold, especially since it is also rated XXX. While the Billywig might not be the best pet to hold, it might still be perfect for some others.

Let me know underneath what you thought about the billywig! Would you be interested in holding it as a pet, or do you prefer for it to stay in the wild?

Let me know in the comments below if there are any other creatures you wish to learn more about - who knows, maybe it might be the perfect fit for you?

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