Seeker's Eye

Presented by Thalior Virellian

Welcome back to another issue of "Seeker's Eye"! If spotting differences in pictures is your talent? Welcome! I have a challenge for you every week, where you spot the differences in a new picture weekly. Moving ahead with the issue!

The previous week's picture


The answers for the previous week's picture include-
  • Missing creases on the shirt (Rosalind Dedrick, Professor Raeh Thatcher and Auren Norton):The crease is missing at the bottom left of the character's shirt.

  • Hair Missing (Professor James Hartley): Absence of hair on the right side of the face

Congratulations Rosalind Dedrick, Auren Norton, Professor James Hartley and Professor Thatcher for finding all the differences from the picture! Well done!

If you missed out on the participation for the last week's, worry not, we have a new picture for this week:

Do comment below if you found any one of the differences and you will get a special little prize with a mention in the next issue too. Have fun!

coded by Issie