Magical Careers

Hello, hello, everyone! Welcome to a brand-new blog series, launching every fortnight.

In this series, I'll be bringing you fantastic interviews with graduates who are pursuing exciting careers after graduating from Hogwarts!

This series will help you with the career options- you're considering a career switch or you're a student just starting out at Hogwarts and thinking about your future. Today, I present to you our talented Herbologist: Alexander Heartstove

Thalior Virellian

Q1. What inspired you to choose a career in herbology? Was there a specific event or experience that played a role in your decision?

Alexander Heartstove

I always loved Herbology as a kid! It was one of my best subjects, mostly because all the plants were really cute and I was terrible at casting spells.

It started as just a hobby, collecting as many plants as I could and looking after them all in my spare time, but after a few years, people started noticing and asking for advice on how to look after their own plants better, and I realised it was something I could make a full career out of.

Now I have my own greenhouse full of the most insane magical plants in the world, and I've never looked back!

Thalior Virellian

Q2. Is a genuine interest in herbology the only requirement for a career as an herbologist, or are there other important qualities and skills necessary for success in this field?

Alexander Heartstove

Honestly, Herbology is something that mostly just takes practice. You can't really read your way to success, because there's not much theory or "skill" involved compared to other jobs.

It's more just something you learn as you go along. You get a plant, you try your best to look after it, and eventually, with a bit of luck, you'll slowly figure out what you're doing. As long as you're patient with it, and genuinely enjoy the process, there's nothing stopping you from a successful career in Herbology!

Thalior Virellian

Q3. Did you encounter any challenges when you first started your career in herbology?

Alexander Heartstove

I think the hardest thing was really knowing where to start. I mean, how do you start making money from something as huge and open as Herbology? It's not like a job in the Ministry where you have a more rigid structure to work around, and where you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.

With Herbology, it's kind of up to you how you do things! For example, some Herbologists will focus more on research, which kind of links to Potions or even Healing, depending on what you choose to study.

Others might sell home-grown plants to make a living! Personally, I do a bit of both. That freedom to do what you like is absolutely amazing, but I guess it can be pretty intimidating at first. It works well for me, because I like doing things my own way, but it does take some time to get used to.

Thalior Virellian

Q4. Are there any common misconceptions you’ve encountered about herbologists?

Alexander Heartstove

I guess the only one I can think of is that we all have really dirty hands. There's this image people have in their heads of Herbologists, where we're all covered in soil and fertiliser literally 100% of the time, and honestly? It's... kind of true.

There's always something that needs doing around the greenhouse, and I wouldn't recommend a career in Herbology to people who like their cleanliness. You can never be clean and well-organised in a proper greenhouse.

Thalior Virellian

Q5. If you hadn’t become an herbologist, what other career would you have pursued?

Alexander Heartstove

There was a time right after graduating where I thought about becoming a Magizoologist. It's sort of similar to Herbology, just with creatures instead of plants, but animals always feel like more of a responsibility to me.

I mean, it's a bit of a step up to go from looking after a plant to looking after a unicorn. I guess I don't trust myself with animals as much, especially not the huge, dangerous ones that I'd probably end up studying the most. Plants - even the deadlier ones - are a little easier to control.

Thalior Virellian

Q6. What’s the funniest experience you've had while working as an herbologist?

Alexander Heartstove

Ah... a great question! I've always been clumsy, which was a real worry for me, especially in the earlier years of my career. My very first venomous tentacula tried to strangle me all the time, but I was terrified of not looking after it properly, because I still didn't really know what I was doing.

It didn't like me very much, poor thing, and one time when it tried to strangle me again, it accidentally slapped me right across the face with its vines and I dropped the tray of bouncing bulbs I was carrying. It was horrific!! They went everywhere, and nearly shattered the entire greenhouse. I've been extra careful around both plants ever since.

Thalior Virellian

Q7. As an expert in herbology, you must have a favorite plant. Which one stands out to you, and are there any plants that you find unappealing?

Alexander Heartstove

I'm not sure there's a plant that I don't like. If there is one, I haven't found it yet! Every plant has its uses, but as for my favourite... that's such a tricky question!

I'd absolutely love to have my own whomping willow one day, but I'm not sure I'd be able to hide that from the muggles. It's such a fascinating plant!! And so powerful too!



Thank you so much, Alexander!!

Well, that's all for today, everyone!!


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