
Hi everyone and welcome (back) to Why so Sirius! If this is your first time here, hiya! I hope you enjoy.

'Tis I, the best interviewer this side of the uhhh street. And today I'm back with another interview, this time with Crystal White! A familiar grep face, for sure.

Without further ado, let's get to it. Question #1: What's the funniest lie you've ever told?

I don’t know if I would call it funny but my middle school teacher probably would. We had homework over the weekend which I’d completely forgotten about. I panicked and instead of telling the truth, I told my teacher that my dog ate it.

Yes, I used the stupidest, least believable lie ever made about incomplete homework. Worse is, rather than admitting to lying as the teacher didn’t exactly believe me (can’t say I blame them), I started an elaborate tale about how our family dog had, in fact, chewed through multiple library books in the past. While this wasn’t a lie, I should’ve just stopped talking. I most definitely wasn’t making the compelling argument I thought I was.

Adding to my embarrassment, the teacher insisted on mentioning it (without naming me, thank Merlin for that!) during the 10th grade ceremony. I made the lie in 9th grade. Probably made my teacher’s day..! Wouldn’t surprise me if they still remember it. I sure do and I still don’t know why I didn’t just tell the truth.


Hah! Yea, relatable, except if I'd tried using that excuse, it wouldn't have worked. Cats don't eat assignments, I don't think.

Next up is question #2: What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up tomorrow as a dog?

Probably freak out. But then again, maybe not. Do dogs freak out upon being born as dogs? Humans don’t freak out upon being born as humans - we cry but that’s because it’s the first emotion/reaction we have. We learn that crying gets us things (milk/food, hugs, burping..) and then we (thankfully) learn that’s not how to get everything in life.

So, if we skip the initial shock, I’d just run. I don’t even care if I woke up as a small dog. I could say it’s because I’ve always loved running but the truth is, I’ve never been able to run properly and I’ve always envied those who can. I do love speed though. Granted I’m in control of whatever is giving me the said speed (car, bike, quad bike, even go-karts!), I could just zoom zoom into the horizon and beyond.

Or, as a dog, run, run, run!


Here comes Crus, the speediest dog, ever. I want to make a poodle joke, but- I won't.

To avoid the conversation of what dog breed Crystal would be, we're going onto question #3: Would you rather fight a horse-sized toddler or five toddler-sized horses?

Oh, definitely toddler-sized horses! I love horses and I’ve always wanted to encounter dwarf horses. Yes, they’re real and super adorable.

Meanwhile, I can’t handle kids/toddlers. Give me one and I’ll hand it over immediately. -- Seriously, take it! Hello? Anyone? HALP!!


I agree, I can only handle children when I'm related to them and I can threaten to snitch on them to their parents... Is that ethical?

Moving on! Question #4: If you woke up tomorrow in the last game you played, would you survive? Why (not)?

Well, that depends. My latest game was Genshin Impact. If I don’t have a Vision (elemental power), I might as well move to Liyue, call myself a follower of Rex Lapis and count on Xiao to protect me from my own stupidity and recklessness.

If I do have a Vision, I would probably be okay. I’d fend off enemies and in my free time, I’d be mermaiding/diving around Fontaine nonstop.


Oh, boy. But can you imagine having to fight the scarier dudes in the abyss order? I think I'll stick with Xiao, vision or no.

We're already at the last question! Question #5: Do you have a certain smell you associate with a memory? Do tell.

Cinnamon crispbread. It was (or at least felt like) luxury food when I was a kid. The manufacturer stopped producing it for a while and I forgot it ever existed.

Then, one day, many years later, I felt the scent of cinnamon and immediately thought of the cinnamon crispbread. And then, to my surprise and joy, they came back! They’re round now, instead of rectangles, but the taste is on point. Put on a ridiculous amount of butter and you’ve got yourself a snack! Yum~


Rediscovering something you used to love but have forgotten about can be one of the best things, ever. Especially if it's food.

Well, then! We've come to the end. Thank you for letting me interview you, Crystal, and double thanks for the long answers. Same time next week?

I'm glad to be back (again), and to be writing for a bigger audience. As always, feel free let me know should you want to volunteer someone to be interviewed, or if you have fun questions. See you next time!

© Coding by Kawaii-Lau