#8 - Koldovstoretz

Credit: Margarita Sergeeva

Welcome to Back to School! Each edition of this blog will focus on the major wizarding schools of the world, with our eighth and final edition exploring Koldovstoretz.

Koldovstoretz, or колдовсторец, isn't somewhere we know much about. Based in Russia, it's one of the eleven major wizarding schools around the globe registered with the International Confederation of Wizards, so we can assume that it took students from Russia and possibly from elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, too, since the closest schools that we know of on either side are Durmstrang in Northern Europe and Mahoutokoro in Japan.

Since the school's name translates to 'palace of magic', it's likely that the school's architecture is regal and palatial, likely emulating the designs of Russian palaces from history in the Muggle world.

What we do know is that the school play a variation of Quidditch where, instead of broomsticks, they fly on bewitched, uprooted trees - which a Calamity Investigator witnessed when teaching students about the Calamity in the 2010s or 2020s. Along with flying and playing Quidditch, the school also sends a participant to compete in the Wizarding Schools Potions Championship.

It is possible that the uniform is comprised of a set of purple robes lined with white fur, and a matching white fur hat, as this is what the Koldovstoretz Potions Champion wore at the event. However, this might not have been the uniform, or may have been updated or changed since.

It's likely that students will have some affinity or teaching in Defence Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures, since there are several dangerous creatures that are native to Russia, including Pogrebins, Hags, and Nogtails.

As very little is known about Koldovstoretz, we only know about their Potions Champion, but can assume that other alumni would be illustrious and many-varied, potentially including Petrova Porskoff (inventor of the Porskoff Ploy in Quidditch).

Did you learn something new about Koldovstoretz or any of the other schools throughout this series? Let us know in the comments!

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