
Hi everyone and welcome back to Why so Sirius!

Me again, your favourite err... everything. Today I'll be interviewing our beloved lion Head of House, Adrian Summers. Say hi!

Hopping straight into question #1: Which animal would you choose to have a conversation with?

Easy, a dog. They always seem to be so happy, and it would be truly interesting to hear their thoughts and to just talk with someone who always has such a positive view of the world.



I like that! If I got to talk to a dog, I'd ask what started the feud with mailmen...

Moving on to question #2: If you could make any celebrity immortal, who would you choose?

Oh gosh, there are too many to choose from! So many handsome actors, gorgeous actresses, talented artists and amazing authors! If I absolutely had to choose just one though, then I'd probably have to go with Mamoru Miyano, a Japanese artist and Voice Actor. I know that it's silly but I just simply adore his voice and the way that his energy is contagious even through a computer screen.



Not silly at all! There are a lot of talented people who can move you with just their voice, and it's admirable, really.

We're already over halfway! Here's question #3: If you could be the president to any country in the world, which would you pick?

Boring answer, but I'd choose my own country so that I could fix all the things that's wrong with it. I won't bore you with the details but I can reveal that I have on multiple occasions had a discussion with a close friend of mine regarding which country we'd move to when this country falls to ruins.



Makes sense. I wouldn't want to be the president of my own country simply because even thinking of trying to fix everything that's wrong over here gives me a headache. I'll pass.

Here's an interesting one! Question #4: What is one thing you wish you could say to your younger self?

So many things. And while it is cliché, I'd say to just hang in there and that things will get better. And I'd probably tell myself to toughen up and not be such a gullible and naive goody-two-shoes, to show some courage and stand tall. And for the love of god, to stop wearing pink ASAP!



What's wrong with pink? D: Don't worry, I'll wear it for the both of us.

Lastly, another one I really like! Question #5: If you had a button to pause the world, what would you do while it was paused?

That would depend on whether or not it is a one time use or if I could use it whenever I pleased. Regardless, at the moment I feel like my answer would have to be that I'd use it either for school or work, as there are plenty of situations in both of those where I sometimes wish that I could just step away from the situation for a bit, or that I wish that I'd have more time to do things.



I can relate to wanting to take a break from school, truly. Easter break did absolutely nothing to replenish my energy haha.

That was it for this edition! Thank you again, Adrian, for letting me interview you! I loved your answers.

I hope you all enjoyed this edition as much as I did, and as always, feel free let me know should you want to volunteer someone to be interviewed. See you next time!

© Coding by Kawaii-Lau