
Guess who's back?

Welcome, welcome, to the newest edition of Why So Sirius! It's been a while, but I hope you all are as excited as I am. In today's edition I will be interviewing Victorine Murray (formerly Favre, but marriage, ya know)! Everyone say hi Vic.

Let's jump right into it with question #1: Which animal would you pick to have a conversation with?

Okay I love all animals so it is really hard to pick one of them to talk to buttt if I have to choose one it would be a dog. Dogs are my absolute favorite those little fluffballs have my heart for real. I would probably talk to them bout what is so fun about socks... and how do they manage to be so full of energy B)


If you find out their secret to limitless energy, do let me know!

Onto our next question, question #2: If you could make one celebrity immortal, who would it be?

These questions are torture for how can I choose just one among so many favorites of mine D: but doing into big brain energy being immortal can be emotionally draining too hmmm before I end up into a deep spiral of thoughts I would like to make jungkook of BTS immortal!


I never would have thought of that, but now that you mention it... Jungkook 4ever!

This one is always interesting; question #3: What are some alternatives to war that countries could use to settle their differences?

Alternatives to war hmmm why don't they have competitions in various fields this will give chance to every country because not all countries are strong militarily or we could have turtle races imagine that it would so fun and amazing.


Turtle races! I imagine the races would take so long there'd be no time left over for fighting, thats kind of brilliant, actually.

I'm making time travel possible just for you Vic, so here's question #4: What is one thing you wish you could say to your younger self?

The main thing I would like my younger self to know is it's never good to bottle up emotions let them out from time to time. The things you're going through might be difficult but you'll get through them. Oh and also don't be so embarrassing please and thank you.


If you dont randomly have flashbacks to something embarrassing you did during childhood, you did childhood wrong!

I can only make one impossible thing possible a day, so this one will just have to be hypothetical... Here's question #5: If you had a pauze-button for the world, what would you do while it was pauzed?

The world is pauzed, so like endless time so... I'll first go rob the banks- joking xD. I'll go rob the stores of all my favorite goods, might as well go hiking to get some peace of mind, which is rare to come by in this fast world. Or might just end up in a kids park riding on the swings that I can no longer get on due to embarrassment B)


I'll pretend you did not just say you'd rob stores, for legal reasons... (But same.)

Thank you so much for your awesome answers, Vic! As always, dear reader, I hope you enjoyed. I'm so happy and excited to be back doing this blog.

If you want to see someone be interviewed or have some funny questions, my owls are always open. Until next time!

© Coding by Kawaii-Lau