Are you interested in the fantastic magical beasts of our world? Have you ever wondered what it would require to have creatures such as Jobberknolls or even Lethifolds as pets? Then fear no more! Through Northwoods Magical Encounters you get to learn more about your upcoming pet, alongside what it would require of you to hold it. Make sure to read every edition, and you will soon find the perfect pet for you!
Today's topic is the... Alizor!
What does the creature look like?
The Alizor is a bit different from some magical creatures, seeing as they are considered being humanoid. They have a round body, and their limbs are incredibly long. They are known for having large feet and are also known on their large and round ears, alongside their pointy nose. Otherwise, they resemble a human a lot.
What is its abilities?
We still don't know a lot about the Alizor, especially as their could be possible other races or sub-races. Since they are a humanoid creature, it is also believed that they might possibly not have any special abilities, as many humanoid creatures does not neccesarily have magical abilities beyond what a witch or wizard is capable of.
Where does it usually live?
It is unknown, but seeing that they are taught at Hogwarts, there is a large possibility that they can be found in England or Scotland.
How well would it be to hold as a pet?
The Alizor is definitely not the first creature you think of when you think of "holding a pet". This might be more over in the same category as having house elves, so if you are not the type interested in such, I doubt that you will be interested in having an Alizor either. Alizor's mostly seem to be mini-witches-and-wizards, meaning that they have to be treated much like you would treat a human. This definitely gives it a strange aspect, and while pet might not be the right word for it, they could possibly be a great friend or a helper if you need one, depending on their personality. Since they are humanoid, it also means that they are easy to hold, as you keep them alive much like you would.
Let me know underneath what you thought about the Alizor! Would you be interested in holding it as a friend, or do you prefer for it to stay in the wild?
Let me know in the comments below if there are any other creatures you wish to learn more about - who knows, maybe it might be the perfect fit for you?