Hogwarts Pokemon
Let's play Pokemon, the Wizarding way! All you have to do is guess where these events took place, and it will lead you to 5 Chocolate Frogs! Just send me an owl with your guess by the end of the month! You might even get to pick the next location!
Last Week's Winners
Only one person guessed our challenge last week! MARINE WILLOWS guessed the "Hogwarts Express" which was of course the right answer! Way to go, Marine! She's earned 5 Chocolate frogs!
This Week's Clues

This is another easy one!

In this location, one would most find a Ravenclaw student... Or Hermione Granger!

There is a section in this room that is off-limits to most students...

Hermione Granger was able to find information here that led to the trio learning about Nicholas Flamel, leading them to information about the Philosopher's Stone.

Here, Harry learned some valuable spells to help him conquer the third task in the Triwizard Tournament.

"I know you're in there..." (Filch, the caretaker)

"I've never seen a more complicated potion..." (Hermione Granger)

"Well, I just thought seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to, we should go together. As friends." (Harry and Hermione talking about the dance)
Know the answer?

Send an Owl my way to receive five Chocolate Frogs!

Max Paige
© Code by Aliyah
Edited by Adelaide