Hogwarts Pokemon
Let's play Pokemon, the Wizarding way! All you have to do is guess where these events took place, and it will lead you to a Chocolate Frog! Just send me an owl with your guess by the end of the month! You might even get to pick the next location!
Issue #1
Let's start with an easy one! This is the place where every wizard's journey begins. It is here where new friends are made and treats are enjoyed. Many significant events happened in this location, and those events impacted the history of the Wizarding World forever.

It was in this location where Harry Potter met his future best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

It was here that Harry tried his first Every Flavour Beans...

It was here when Neville's toad, Trevor, got free for the first time...

It was also on this location where Harry met Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw student.

"Are you doing magic? Let's see it then..." (Hermione Granger)

"Let me get this straight. Serius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you...?" (Ron Weasley)

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" (Snack Trolley lady)
Know the answer?
Send an Owl my way to receive your Chocolate Frog!

Max Paige
© Code by Aliyah
Edited by Adelaide