Into the Unknown
Having graduated from Hogwarts, Max Paige now works with a professional private investigator/ghost hunter in
Inverness, Scotland while living on Ghost Island...
The Treasure
Deciding that it was time to dig was the easy part. Actually doing the work was a bit more of a challenge. We’d decided to start draining the Swamp, which meant dragging in miles of tubing and machines with barrels to gather the water. We also had to set up a wall of coffer tubes so yhat the water from the lake wouldn’t ruin our progress.

Over the next few days we started using more advanced metal detectors on Witch’s Cove, which was in the backyard of the home of one of the original discoverers of the Money Pit.

On the lot we found a Jewelled Brooch, some chain, some blacksmithing Swages, and several spikes and tunneling tools. My boss, James, studied the artifacts we gave him and sure enough they all dated to around the 14th century!

It wasn’t until a few days later that we found the treasure everyone had been looking for over the past two centuries! The Money Pit had revealed a tunnel deep underground, forty feet below where the 90-foot stone had promised it would be, and we followed it out to the Swamp, which had been fully drained by now. We weren’t working by ourselves, of course. We had the help of James, as well as the original members of Legion: Marcus Coletti, Josiah Paige, Ash Cross and Michael Elliot.

It was halfway between these two landmarks that we found something buried just below the surface. The signal from the metal detector was intense and we all started digging excitedly. That’s when we found the until-now fabled treasure chest!

“I told you the Swamp was important!” Chris exclaimed.

“So was the Money Pit!” Tessa beamed, hugging me. “I can’t believe it’s actually here! Right in front of us!”

“Yeah, but how are we gonna open it?” Ben asked, looking at his dad.

“I still can’t believe you got to see your uncle Josiah… After all this time…”

“I have a feeling we figured that part out,” Marcus grinned and took out the led cross they had found on Smith’s Cove, months before. “It’s a key.”

We all stared at him, stunned. “Well open it!” Ash cried excitedly.

“I think Josiah should do the honours,” Michael decided. “He went to Azkaban for this, after all.

“Max, help me out,” my uncle said and together we took the cross and inserted it in the key hole. The lock opened and the roof of the chest lifted up!

Inside, we found dozens of silver and gold coins! We counted them and the total came out to Two Million Pounds, just like the Ninety-Foot stone had promised!

Underneath the roof of the chest, in ancient Futhark rune script, read:

Buried in 1348 by slaves of the Knights Templar. For those who will carry on the work of Legion, standing for all that is right and fair.

It was a historic moment; one that none of hs would ever forget!
Send in a mystery!
Have an idea of a mystery that Max could solve in the next article? Give a letter to my owl and he'll come find me! (i.e. send a message to me on WOP UK!)

Max Paige
© Code by Aliyah
Edited by Adelaide