Wizard Cards
Trading Post

Issue #59


by Max Paige

This week we will be featuring Corvina Morgan, professor of Divination!


Do you want your own wizarding card? Send me an owl! Here's what you need to include in that owl:

- Your WOP Name and House

- An image of you (Doesn't have to be your profile picture)

A brief (3 or 4 lines) biography blurb

Remember that your image cannot be taken straight from the movie itself. Also bonus points if you give me a gif with the face moving! Just like the real wizarding cards!


This Edition's Wizarding Cards

Corvina Morgan

Born into the powerful pureblood Morgan family with not one but two dark wizards as parents she was bound to have some darkness within her. The latest divination professor might be adequate enough to teach young wizards and witches now but many would protest if they knew her when she was younger. She was expelled from the Castle on her fifth year of studies due to an 'unfortunate incident' with her twin brother Cillian. She was transferred to Ilvermony thanks to her family's power and finished the last 3 years of her studies there. Before she became a professor she was an Obliviator in the American Ministry of Magic for 7 years.
She disappeared from North America before she got the chance to get promoted in her profession. Widowed at 27 by being married to a muggle and ultimately ending up in a muggle prison in England she was offered a job back to the castle after a mysterious meeting with the British Minister.
Her interests are unknown to the general public but rumor has it that if you manage to get a reading from her then you might be amongst the lucky ones.

coded by Issie
