Are you interested in the fantastic magical beasts of our world? Have you ever wondered what it would require to have creatures such as Jobberknolls or even Lethifolds as pets? Then fear no more! Through Northwoods Magical Encounters you get to learn more about your upcoming pet, alongside what it would require of you to hold it. Make sure to read every edition, and you will soon find the perfect pet for you!
Today's topic is the... Horklump!
What does the creature look like?
The Horklump is quite well-known for actually not looking like an animal. Instead, it looks like a pink mushroom, which has black spots on it.
What is its abilities?
The Horklump are able to do many different things - most noteably they are able to hunt underground by the use of tentacles to catch their prey, and they are quick spreading. Of course, they are also useful, as their juice could be used in potions such as the Wiggenweld potion and the Herbicide potion. They might also release poisonous gas, which could be dangerous.
Where does it usually live?
They originated in Scandinavia, but they quickly spread across Europe including Scotland.
How well would it be to hold as a pet?
The Horklump is definitely an interesting creature - many wizards and witches might already think of this as a pest, but it does not seem to be the worst animal to hold. They do not require much, and only feed on earthworms, meaning that they are rather cheap to hold. Besides this, they live in most climates, and can even live in ones garden if you are not much for indoor pets. This might also be a great pet for the Potioneer, who is interested in its uses within potions. Since it isn't a very requiring pet, it might even be a wonderful pet for the young wizard or witch who needs to learn a bit more responsibility. Besides, their beautiful appearance helps makes your garden seem even more decorated!
Let me know underneath what you thought about the Horklump! Would you be interested in holding it as a pet, or do you prefer for it to stay in the wild?
Let me know in the comments below if there are any other creatures you wish to learn more about - who knows, maybe it might be the perfect fit for you?