
Dear users of WoP!
And welcome to the (3rd of 5) SoMe anniversary post(s). For the first time ever, we have been looking through the site, to see who is still active from the time when World of Potter EU was launched. Doing so, we found 5 members of World of Potter EU, who are either still in the staff or have been. We are very grateful that these lovely people have decided to speak to us, and tell us about their experiences.
The entire SoMe team have been very excited to do this, and to see what kind of people started this entire thing. These people all helped translate the site from its original language (Danish), to English. For this, they definitely deserve a pat on the shoulder, because without them WoP EU and many other WoP's would never have been an option!
The SoMe team would like to welcome: Verita Meracugenus, William Arkwright, Valérie Brière, Thomas Wilder and Althea Cahalan
5 people who are still here, who helped open the site and who have done an insane amount to help make this site what it is! So without futher ado, here's some of the things they were asked, by the SoMe team!

Thomas Wilder - Interviewed by Craig Baxter.

How did you hear about WoP and why did you decide to join?
Like so many of the Danes here on the site, I was originally on the Danish predecessor of WoP. A friend of mine, who knew I was a massive nerd, introduced me to the site and I was hooked. Though I was not that into the Harry Potter universe back then, I quickly became obsessed with everything from the school of Hogwarts to the magical universe in general, not to forget Gryffindor. Naturally, I decided to tag along when they launched WoP and the site, in my opinion, became even more magical. Even though I loved the site more than anything, it was not until I joined the original EU staff that I met my WoP family. Though it is two years ago now, I am still happy to be part of WoP EU and I'm eternally grateful that I got to be a part of this community in the first place.

What do you enjoy the most about WoP and what's been your favourite moment on the site so far?
The community, for sure! Never in my wildest dreams had I dreamt of finding a community like the one on WoP. Not only does everyone on the site share a common love for Harry Potter, but we also share a love for WoP and each other. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are from, cause on WoP everyone cares about and supports one another, though they might have never met in real life. In my opinion, that is the best thing about the site. As for a favourite moment, I'd say every moment I get to spend here!

Verita Meracugenus is the (now former) head of Ravenclaw, which she has been for 2 years exactly! Let's be honest, she will be missed greatly, and therefore the SoMe team is extra happy that she agreed to participate in this post - Next up issss Verita.