Vol. 004.

Have you ever wondered "What would this Harry Potter
character read if they lived nowadays? It is an interesting
question which I will try and answer in this blog! Each
blog will focus on one character from Harry Potter, and I will
give 3-5 different books that I could imagine them reading if they
lived today. Hopefully, this will also be able to give you some interesting recommendations for new and old books you need to check out!

Luna is a fantastic character - she is a reminder that it is okay to be different, and she is a character that many can see themselves in. She might be quite different from the main trio of the series, but she is not a forgettable character, and I am sure that she could find plenty of time to read some different books.

This book is written by C. L. Polk. This book is about a magical detective who is trying to secure a future with the love of her life. She is offered one last job before having to serve in hell, and when she turns it down, she is given a promise she can not say no to - a future where she can grow old with the woman she loves. But this does mean that she will have to track down the most famous, dangerous and well-known serial killer in the city - and she only has three days to do it. If she fails, only hell and heartbreak will wait for her. Even Though I Knew the End is a book that fulfills many genres. It is a wonderful book for those who love fantasy, historical fiction, mystery and romance. Do make sure to check out the trigger warnings before reading the book, to ensure that it is something for you.

This book was written by James Norbury and is a wonderful tale of the adventure of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon. The tale tells how the two unlikely companions travel into the world and get further away from home, but somehow still get closer to each other and themselves. The book is much about learning that the challenges we meet are essential for our growth and who we will become. The Journey: Big Panda and Tiny Dragon is a book that people of all ages can read. It is inspired by an Instagram account of the same name and follows the journey of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon with a beautiful story and charming illustrations.

This book was written by Madeline Miller and is a retelling of the tales of Circe. She was born a strange child, unlike both of her parents, and because of this, she turns towards the world of mortals for relationships, just to find out that she possesses are a great gift: witchcraft. Zeus feels threatened by her power and banishes her to an island far away, which is where she meets the many mythological people whose paths she is known for crossing. But, standing alone is always hard, and Circe are hated by both men and Gods - therefore, she has to stand alone against them and remember where she comes from, and who she truly loves. Circe is a stand-alone book and was nominated as one of the best books of 2018, but it is recommended that you check out the trigger warnings before throwing yourself over the book.

Did you see your favorite book here? Or maybe one caught your attention? Just click on the cover to get more information regarding your next possible read!

There are many books that the characters could be reading nowadays, and these are just a couple of examples of what I believe that they maybe would be reading. You are welcome to share in the comments underneath if you have the perfect book that you believe Luna Lovegood would be reading, or if you would recommend any of these books to others!

The blog will be back in two weeks, where we will be taking a look at what Neville Longbottom possibly would be reading in our modern world, so stay tuned!

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