It is a well-known fact that most of us here at WoP use famous people to represent what our characters look like, aptly named Face Claim, FC for short. But, who really are these people that we associate with our friends, coworkers, and classmates? That will be the main focus of this blog series: KHp3p6b.png
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Good tidings all, I am at it again, back into groove. But, I have a very nice surprise for you. Recently I felt as if the blog posts haven't been getting much love, so with me today is someone that must grab thine attention. With their amazing face, and of course, being the Head of Hogwarts that one time, it is Dmitri Karelis!


The legendary outlaw who managed stole from Gringotts, Dmitri's FC is the dashing British actor, Luke Pasqualino, who is most well-known for his portrayment of Freddie McClair in the show Skins.


Mr. Pasqualino's personal life is something of mystery, with all that is known is that he is of Italian descent, and has attended drama classes. He also is an avid supporter for the HeForShe feminist campaign, saying he is commited to gender equality. His acting career started off small, him starring in a low-budget film Stingers Rule!, and it stayed relatively the same, with his guest starring in a couple of films, and performing several plays. That is, until he got his role in Skins.


The shows Skins is known for replacing all of their actors for the roles every 2 seasons, but during his time acting as Freddie, Luke made himself well-known and widely regarded as the handsome gentleman, quite the opposite from the role he portrays. He started acting alongside some of movie industry's household names like Tom Felton and Ashley Greene. For me though, he will always be known as the musketeer d'Artagnan.

Enough from me though, let's get to the main dish of tonight. Dim, quench the thirst for knowldge our readers may possess.

1. What was your first impression of Luke, and did you know of him before Skins?
Just that he had the cutest grin, really. If I’m honest, he never really stood out that much until I looked him up again recently for obvious reasons, but I watch a lot of shows. I definitely appreciate him more now, though. Skins was the first thing I saw him in – eee little Freddie – but I associate him more with D’Artagnan in The Musketeers now, I think :V
2. What made you choose Luke as your FC for Dim?
Hmmm I had an idea of a look in mind but there was still quite a fair bit of wiggle room, not a lot I was set on. I was considering a few different guys, one of which I’d almost decided on (but I’ve deleted my bookmark folder so I can’t tell you who D: ) until I found Luke again and made my mind up instantly. He just has the playful air about him that was kinda necessary for the character, as well as the ability to switch into serious-mode and not look like an idiot when he does so. And he’s hot so. Bonus.
3. Do you think Luke Pasqualino is underrated, and would you like to see him more often on the big screen?
He probably is, he wasn’t in that much until more recently, I think. He got a fair bit of praise for his role as a special forces captain in ‘Our Girl’ and was in the Snatch TV series (with Rupert Grint, heheh) and he was great in that – plus, lots of pictures for if Dim ever cuts his hair (go away, Lara). I’d love to see more of him, though. I think he shows a wide range of skills.
Bonus Question. Would you actually set fire to all of my problems and set fire to ashes?
I still can’t remember the context for why you thought I’d do that, Ree. But absolutely ;D Just point me where.


Badabim badaboom, that marks the end of today's Unveilment. Join us next time for more spicy faces, their backstories, and kewl gifs. And thanks you Dmitri, for setting for to all of my problems.


Thank you for your time, and have a fantastical day.