The Harry Potter books are what started everything with universe. So many of us were introduced into this magical world with the books, and even found a love for reading or writing out of it. These books helped a lot of through dark times and the SoMe team thought it was extremely important to bring recognition to the wonderful works in the series.

We went around asking users on WoP UK what their favourite Harry Potter book is, and why. Do you agree or disagree? Read below to find out people's thoughts on these amazing books.


Sylvia Nicana

 I really enjoy The Goblet of Fire, the idea of the Triwizard Tournament got me very interested in the series. All three tests/trials that were dangerous, I guess it hooked me. That's how I actually got into it, I overheard my friend speaking about it.


Rosina Kerr
My favourite is the Philosopher's Stone. As the first glimpse into the magical world, it really opened my eyes to fantasy as a genre and probably was the book that sparked my love for reading. In the first book you feel the same awe and wonder as Harry does when he discovers this world that is beyond his wildest dreams, you escape from reality with him, making friends and falling in love with the people and places along the way. You get welcomed into this brand new home along with him, and it's one of the lightest books - you get to be a kid with him, it really is magical.


Gaius Garrick
My favourite movie and book is Prisoner of Azkaban as it is when things really start to click into place, It is the turning point for me when you realise the war against Voldemort is really starting to heat up, I love the storyline and how JKR introduces Sirius and Remus to the mix!


Sebastien Donohogue 
It is actually pretty hard to decide for my favourite Harry Potter book. I can reduce it to three, but all of these because of different reasons. First of all there is The Philosopherer's Stone. I borrowed the book from my father, who was a total Harry Potter nerd when I was ten. I remember the time I was reading it, it was spring and thinking of the book reminds me of the atmosphere back then, cold spring evenings, the smell of fresh air. It also reminds me of the obsession that started growing in me. I love the book, because it put me into a new world, it was the first fantasy book I read and especially the first with it's own universe and I wanted nothing more than to live in that world. It describes every little thing in detail, the sweets, Diagon Alley, Hogwarts. I was just amazed by it.

The Chamber of Secrets also belongs to my favourite books. I used to play almost all the games to this part and spent so much time with it, reading, playing, watching, I just have no other choice but love it. So maybe I am more drawn to these books, since they are more for me than just a plot.

One of the later books that I really love is the Halfblood Prince. The plot is amazing, it used to make me happy, sad, to shock me. I love the character development of people like Draco or Lucius and I love the situation Snape is in. And no matter how sad it was, I loved the fact that Dumbledore died. Not because I don't like him (I do like him haha), but because he was one of the people that seemed invincible. He stood over everything, he had everything under control, but his death was just so shocking for me, something I never expected to happen. So that is why those three books are my favourites, as you can see each has a different reason, which makes is hard to decide between them .



Gilbert Harrington

Favourite book in the series - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I know that is a rather unusual choice, not many people like that one since it has a lot less going on but for me, it certainly has a gentle dark and foreboding tone to it that I personally rather enjoy. It's the calm before the storm...


Archie Everston

 Goblet of Fire because it has the most adventure and growth in it. I also get to learn that magic exists not only in the UK, though its something global, it basically rocks my world as 2 wizarding schools from other countries come together to compete with each other for the triwizard cup, its honestly just a surreal novel and will always be my favorite.




Now that you've seen all this, what is YOUR favourite Harry Potter book? Comment below! And we'll see you with our next post!