Caring for Magical Creatures
First Edition - Owl

Hey there, have you ever found yourself staring into the windows of the Magical Menagerie, seeing a pet you want but having no idea on how to care for it? Well there's a lot you need to know about day to day life with your pet, so here's quick run down!

Up first, a flying friend, and message carrier, the owl! Now, the owl is a classic pet to have in the wizarding world. Not only is it cute, it also is one of the main methods of communication so for many wizards, it's a necessity. And thus knowing how to care for it is that much more important!

So one of the most important parts of pet ownership is knowing what you're getting yourself into! After all, would you buy a cat if you didn't know what a cat is? I sure hope not, that would just be silly! In order to make you the very best pet parent you can possibly be, here's some facts, some important things to know, about the coolest owl in town!
Fact #1
Most important to know when caring for your owl: They are birds and therefore need lots of space and room to fly.

While having a cage is great for transporting your owl, it's definitely helpful if you live in a place or have room for them to fly around. So a cramped London apartment would not be as ideal as a large countryside estate. That and it would be quite odd to muggles to see an owl flying around city center!
Fact #2
So your owl is alive and has plenty of room to fly. Well now it needs to eat. Just like people, owls need food in order to live and stay alive. Do not starve your owl!

But what exactly do they eat? Well the simple thing you can buy is Owl Forage from Eeylops Owl Emporium. However you can also let your owl hunt naturally if you're in an area with any type of wildlife. They have a preference for anything ranging from small bugs to other birds. They also eat mice so it's probably a good idea to keep the two apart if you have a pet mouse!
Fact #3
You and your owl are bonding, maybe! That's fantastic! Everyone should have a great bond with their pet. But, let's not forget that they aren't just a pet, but also a message carrier!

While an owl is naturally accepting of magic, they must still be trained in how to carry letters from place to place. So keep that in mind if you ever find yourself with owl babies! And not only do owls carry your personal messages and howlers, they also do deliveries. So you can cancel your Amazon Prime subscription in favor for an owl instead!
Fact #4
Okay so it seems like you're a pretty good owl parent at this point. But let's talk more ways to bond together! Relationships go both ways and you need to put in work, but how can you do that?

Owls to begin with, are super intelliegnt creatures! Their natural affinity for magic makes them a great companion to have in the wizarding world. They are known to actually understand our speech too which means you can talk to your owl. There's no guarentee it will talk back, just asking who you're talking about. But a great thing is that you won't ever find yourself lonely when owning an owl!

And that's it. Just from this you basically know everything there is to know about owning an owl! If you have any other questions about owl ownership, please do ask!

And that's all for now. I would love to hear all about your owl if you have one too. Go get your owl today and I'll be back soon with another pet highlight!
written by:
Zephyr Hyun
coded by Issie