
Hello there and welcome to the fourth blog " It's so Izzy " !!!
I'm Izzy Rookwood and these are a blog series about discussions, reviews and everything else but with my own style of course. That's what's the title is about. Not that i'm easy, the point is... well nevermind !


Today i'm going to show you what i like doing on my free time. Or generaly every day. !

~ Potion making ~

It became a favorite subject from the third grade when i was in Hogwarts. You can't imagine the varieties of the ingredients and the potions you can brew.
The best part is when you experiment new posibilities. I mean imagine you can create a potion that turns a stone into a muffin !!!

~ Rare spells ~

I'm sure everyone uses a rare spell not and then. Not only in dueling, there might be a charm that it's just beautiful on sight.
I enjoy reading on old books or parchements about spells/charms that are forbidden or even forgotten. They are quite interesting to discover. So you know... don't even think to come against me !


That's all folks !
I hope you all enjoyed the blog and comment below your favorite activities. See ya next time !!!
